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Exhibits 2024

Follow my blog:    www.jbastbeadwork.blogspot.com
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Joannesfiberbeadworkandfineart


Juried Art Exhibitions

Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center. Wild Muse: Animals in Art. 13470 Dowell Rd, Solomons, MD 20688  www.annmariegarden.org  May 5-Sept 17, 2023 Kay Daugherty Gallery

Off Track Art Gallery. Liberty Building, 11 Liberty St, Westminster, MD 21157

October 1-29, 2022 Solo show in Lobby

Hours: Monday through Thursday by Appointment*; Friday 12 - 4; Saturday 10 - 4; Sunday 12 - 4

Phone(443) 821-7355  https://www.offtrackart.com

Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery; Torpedo Factory. 105 North Union St, Alexandria, VA. Suite 29. Open Monday-Sunday 10:30-5:30                        https://www.potomacfiberartsgallery.com  703-548-0935  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/potomacfiberartsgallery/



Paradise City Marketplace, Available year round on line: https://festivals.paradisecityarts.com/marketplace


Maryland Sheep and Wool. May 4-5. Howard County Fairgrounds. https://sheepandwool.org/2021-festival/shop-our-vendors/ 

Rose Squared Art Show Chase Center Wilmington, DE July 26-27.  815 Justison St. Wilmington, DE 19801.Open 10-5. https://rosesquared.com/chase-center/artists/

Artsfest. Ann Marie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center. Sept 21-22, 2024. 10-5 daily.

13480 Dowell Rd, Solomons MD 20688  410-326-4640. https://www.annmariegarden.org/annmarie2/content/artsfest-2015

Paradise City, Northhampton. Oct 12-14, 2024. Three County Fairgrounds 54 Old Ferry Road Northampton, MA 01060   https://festivals.paradisecityarts.com/shows/northampton-october-show

Carroll County Artists Studio Tour. Dec 7-8. 10-5  https://carrollcountytourism.org/event/carroll-county-artists-studio-tour/2021-12-04/


Maryland Sheep and Wool. May 6-7. Howard County Fairgrounds. https://sheepandwool.org/2021-festival/shop-our-vendors/ 

Brandywine Festival of the Arts. Sept 9-10. Sat 10-6; Sun 10-4. Brandywine Park located at 1001 North Park Drive, Wilmington, DE 19802  http://www.brandywinearts.com 

Artsfest. Ann Marie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center. Sept 16-17. 10-5 daily.

13480 Dowell Rd, Solomons MD 20688  410-326-4640. https://www.annmariegarden.org/annmarie2/content/artsfest-2015

Peters Valley Fall Craft Fair. Sat, Sep 23 – Sun, Sep 24 10am - 5pm.

Held at the Sussex County Fair Grounds 37 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ 07822 https://petersvalley.org/events/craft-fair/

Carroll County Artists Studio Tour. Dec 2-3. 10-5  https://carrollcountytourism.org/event/carroll-county-artists-studio-tour/2021-12-04/


Baltimore Bead Society 14th Annual Winter Show. January 15-16, 2022. Howard County Fairgrounds, Maun Exhibit Hall. 2210 Fairgrounds Rd West Friendship MD 21794  www.baltimore bead.org

Artrider Fine Spring Crafts show, Morristown NJ. March 11-13. https://www.artrider.com/springcraftmorristown2022

Maryland Sheep and Wool. May 7-8. Howard County Fairgrounds. https://sheepandwool.org/2021-festival/shop-our-vendors/ 

Fairfax Fall Festival. Oct 8. Downtown Fairfax, VA. 10-5.  https://www.fairfaxva.gov/government/parks-recreation/special-events/fall-festival#ad-image-4

Lancaster Designer Craftsmen Artisan Fair. Nov 12-13.

Lebanon Valley Expo Center and Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA  http://artisanfair.org

Carroll County Artists Studio Tour. Dec 3-4. 10-5  https://carrollcountytourism.org/event/carroll-county-artists-studio-tour/2021-12-04/




 Maryland Sheep and Wool Virtual Vendor Marketplace.


Manayunk Arts Festival. June 26-27. Sat 11-7; Sun 11-6. 4312 Main Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127  


Spotsy Festival of the Arts. August 14-15. https://www.spotsyartsfestival.com 

9101 Courthouse Road Spotsylvania, VA, 22553 703-887-2878 SAF@SpotsyArtsFestival.com


Brandywine Festival of the Arts. Sept 11-12. Sat 10-6; Sun 10-4. Brandywine Park located at 1001 North Park Drive, Wilmington, DE 19802  http://www.brandywinearts.com 

Artsfest. Ann Marie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center. Sept 17-18. 10-5 daily.

13480 Dowell Rd, Solomons MD 20688  410-326-4640. https://www.annmariegarden.org/annmarie2/content/artsfest-2015

Peters Valley Fall Craft Fair. Sat, Sep 25 – Sun, Sep 26 10am - 5pm.

Held at the Sussex County Fair Grounds 37 Plains Road, Augusta, NJ 07822 https://petersvalley.org/events/craft-fair/

Art on the Avenue. Oct 2-3. Del Ray Neighborhood, Alexandria, VA. https://www.artontheavenue.org

Paradise City, Northhampton. Oct 9-11. Three County Fairgrounds 54 Old Ferry Road Northampton, MA 01060   https://festivals.paradisecityarts.com/shows/northampton-october-show

Art in the Park, Quiet Waters Park. Oct 16-17. 10-5 daily. 600 Quiet Waters Park Ed, Annapolis MD 21403 https://www.facebook.com/ArtAtThePark/

Lancaster Designer Craftsmen Artisan Fair. Nov 13-14.

Lebanon Valley Expo Center and Fairgroundas, Lebanon, PA  http://artisanfair.org

Baltimore Bead Society Market Day. Thursday Nov 18, 2-8pm. Howard County Arts Center, 

8510 High Ridge Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21043  (410) 313-2787 https://www.hocoarts.org/about-us/what-we-do/howard-county-center-arts/

City of Fairfax Holiday Craft Show. Nov 20-21. Sat 10-5; Sun 10-3. Faifax High School 3501 Lion Run, Faifax VA 22030.  https://festivalnet.com/10545/Fairfax-Virginia/Craft-Shows/Fairfax-Holiday-Craft-Show

Pop Up Shop, Susquehanna Valley Mall, Seilinsgrove PA. Fridays-Sundays through December 24, 2021

Capital Arts and Crafts Festivals. Dec 10-12. Dulles Expo Center, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Chantilly, VA  https://festivalnet.com/90638/Chantilly-Virginia/Craft-Shows/Capital-Craft-Fairs-December



Carroll County Studio Tour www.ccartists.com is the first weekend of December annually

Fri 12-4, Sat 11-4, Sun 12-4



Potomac Fiberarts Gallery, Torpedo Factory, 101 N Union St, Alexandria, VA 703-683-2060 www.potomaccraftsmenguild.org and www.potomaccraftsmengallery.com

Hanover Area Art Guild Gallery, 36 Carlisle Street, Hanover, PA 717-632-2521 www.hanoverareaarts.com

Off Track Art, 11 Liberty St, Westminster, MD 21157  (443) 821-7355  https://www.offtrackart.com/about-me 

Friday 12–4PM
Saturday 11AM–4PM
Sunday 12–4PM

Small items are available at the gift shops of CALC, 38 West Pomfrey Street, Carlisle, PA 17013    Gift shop reopening in February  (717) 249-6973 http://www.carlislearts.org/pop-up-shop-1 

and The Delaplaine, 40 South Carroll Street, Frederick, MD https://delaplaine.org/shop/  301-698-0656 | info@delaplaine.org


Common Ground, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD. www.commongroundonthehill.org
Traditions Week 1, June 27-July 1: Classes will be virtual via Zoom. Artists talks 6pm, mine on Wednesdays week 1+2.
Traditions Week 2, July 4-8:
 Contact Maria Wong at maria@commongroundonthehill.org   for info on 2022

Joanne Strehle Bast
Fiber, Beadwork and Fine Art

jbast@jbast.com   717-873-1288





Due to the closing of the JCC in York, the exhibit that the York Art Assn Gallery Group would have hung is now featured on the JCC website as a slide show. I have 3-4 oil
and cold wax paintings included, priced from $65 to $89. http://yorkjcc.org/join/j-wired/ Enjoy.
On the Bay; Let There Be Light; Lone Tree; Saguaro
Due to the closing of the JCC in York, the exhibit that the York Art Assn Gallery Group would have hung is now featured on the JCC website as a slide show. I have 3-4 oil
and cold wax paintings included, priced from $65 to $89. http://yorkjcc.org/join/j-wired/ Enjoy.
On the Bay; Let There Be Light; Lone Tree; Saguaro